My Student Teaching Experience

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Wrapping up the Seasons

Yesterday, I went over the diagram that I expect them to know on the test. This diagram basically shows what the reasons for the seasons are, and when each season occurs. The students had to draw this diagram when they wrote in their science notebooks about the model that we made on Monday (the earthmallows). When I reviewed their science notebooks, I noticed that the class in general struggled with this model, so I decided to go over it. It turned out to be a great review of the material.
After I went over that, we did some reading on time zones.

Today, we incorporated technology by doing a websearch. I found that the fifth graders really need some practice using their typing skills because entering the websites in the search bar ended up being a longer process than I had originally envisioned. We also had a lot of computer malfunctions, so some people had to share computers. All in all, this lesson was a really good indicator of what knowledge each student was grasping, and what they really needed to study for tomorrow!
Tomorrow is test day; the students will be taking the first test I have ever compiled. I'm nervous, but I know that the students know the material. We'll see how they do!

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