My Student Teaching Experience

Thursday, February 16, 2012

You are what you eat!

Today, I did a lesson on physical activity and why it's important to stay active. After the lesson, we brainstormed different ways that they could stay active.

Later in the day we made healthy people! The kids loved it! First I laid out the food cut-outs across all of the desks like this:

I made sure there were some tricks in there like cake and ice cream and candy (they didn't pick any of them!). Then, I gave everyone a paper bag, and they wrote their names on them:
After, I explained my expectations and wrote a checklist on the board for the students to reference to if they forgot what to do next:
The students did their shopping and wrote a list of the foods that they picked. Later, I had them get their shopping bags out and they made "healthy people" with their healthy foods. I gave them examples to reference from, but they were pretty creative!
He's riding a skateboard!

His name is Mario!

A "healthy princess"
After we shared them (and named them, told everyone what they eat, etc.), I made us a new bulletin board to show them off:
It came out great! <3

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